Kelly Venechanos

A PortfolioThis site is a collection of work from Kelly's professional and scholastic careers.

Who is Kelly?

Headshot of Kelly

Kelly has been writing software professionally since 1999. In the spring of 2018, he completed his undergraduate studies, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Emerging Media and Communication.

Kelly has many years of experience in writing software professionally as an employee, contractor, and sole proprietor.

As an employee of Insurance Software Specialists, Kelly has been the lead programmer and designer for a long list of custom software solutions targeting both the web and Windows desktop. As a contractor, he has built a custom mass email solution for a small oil and gas company, and he once updated a Turbo Pascal programm for Y2K compatibility. When the Apple App Store opened in 2008, he was amongst the first to develop applications for it, and he continued to develop them until 2010 when he decided to pursue an undergraduate degree.

Kelly has written software targeting multiple operating systems spanning multiple device types and in multiple languages. He has developed software for professional or amateur endeavors for the desktop, the web, mobile, and, recently, for Internet of Things devices.

On a personal level, Kelly has been married since 2007, has three children, and two cats. He speaks English natively, some German, and can read some Koine Greek. He currently lives in Grabow bei Blumenthal, Germany.

Job History



Technology Tag Cluster

The following is a list of some of the subjects, types of projects, and technologies Kelly has worked with.

Social Media


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